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Introduction to Sociology: 1. Cesar Guevara Gonzalez The concepts that sociologists have proposed have been extremely important for understanding our society and its subsequent changes over the years. In the first installment of Sociology, we will be looking at a few of these concepts, as well as a lot more information about what sociology is and where it comes from. Sociology is defined as “The scientific study of society or relationships among individuals in society”(Oxford). It was not until the late 1800s that sociology came into existence as a field of academic study. There has been an array of socio-economic changes throughout history, all leading up to the current state our world is in today. Sociology attempts to explain these changes, and ultimately adapts them to make sure future generations will be safe and prosperous. Sociology is such a broad subject that it can be hard to understand at times. This course is designed to break down some of the more complex concepts behind sociology, while still attempting to keep basic sociological principles in tact. The concepts I will be going over are basic definitions, a brief history of sociology, a lot of information about influential sociologists, and a big list of Socio-economic changes since the beginning of time. Sociology is thought to have started with the ancient Greeks. Back then, as now, people wanted to understand why society was the way it was. There were many philosophers that tried to explain how people came together and formed groups. Even Plato had an idea about society, namely that perfect societies would be ones where each person had a clearly defined role. The Greeks and Plato's theory essentially laid down the foundation for sociology as we know it today. They started the process of trying to understand society, and they laid down ideas and concepts that we can still use today in developing our own understanding of social structure and the human condition. It wasn't until 1838 when Auguste Comte coined the term sociology that it officially became a subject of study by others besides philosophers. Comte was essentially the founder of sociology. He wrote the foundational text of sociology called his "The Positive Philosophy." The purpose of his work was to show how society works, and what needs to come about in society in order for it to function properly. Sociology's true roots can be traced back to Comte's 1838 "Positive Philosophy" where he offers a comprehensive summary of his ideas on society. His idea was that all human activity should be organized into spheres- the physical, mental, moral spheres. He also believed that there were certain laws that governed these spheres which formed a system similar to that of an organism; this system formed what he called 'the science of sociology. The main idea behind sociology at this time was that of positivism. Positivism is the idea that observations of certain phenomena are determinant of the existence or non-existence of it. This is used to explain almost everything concerning society, from its origins to its possible outcomes. Although Comte coined the term sociology, he did not do much to actually be considered a founder of sociology. The person who came after him that is generally considered the founder of modern day sociology is Emile Durkheim. Durkheim, another Frenchman, was a philosopher and sociologist who brought together the ideas of Comte with those of Karl Marx in his book named "The Division Of Labour In Society". cfa1e77820